Micro Videos: What, Why, Where, and Best Examples

Aug 2, 2024 4:30:00 AM

When was the last time you watched a video on your phone?

Since 2017, mobile video consumption has skyrocketed, even in the B2B world. 

With viewers consuming more content on the go, videos have adapted to our shortened attention spans.

You've heard the phrase, "Go big or go home," right? 

Well, in the world of video, shorter is often sweeter. Micro videos, those quick 15 to 30-second clips, pack a powerful punch. 

And in this blog, we’ll explore these concise yet powerful visual mediums in much more detail.

Understanding what they are, why and where B2Bs should use them, and top examples to drive the point home.

  1. What Are Micro Videos?
  2. Why Use Micro Videos?
    1. Quick Engagement
    2. Cost-Effective Production
    3. Emotional Connection
    4. Versatility Across Platforms
    5. Diverse Content Opportunities
    6. Enhanced User Experience
  3. Where To Use Micro Videos?
    1. Social Media Platforms
    2. Mobile Learning and Training
    3. Email Marketing Campaigns
    4. Websites and Landing Pages
    5. Online Advertisements
    6. Conferences and Events
    7. Customer Support and Tutorials
  4. Best Micro Video Examples
    1. What is Salesforce? The CRM Connecting Companies & Customers
    2. Empowering Women in Tech: Siemens' Inspirational Micro Video
    3. Streamlining Project Management: Atlassian's Jira Software in Action
    4. Apple Pay: The Dance – Seamlessly Paying with a Twist
    5. Bring Forth Your Best Work: Grammarly's Writing Assistant in Action
    6. Effortless Business Payments with Razorpay ePOS App
    7. Streamline Your Business with Commerce Components by Shopify
    8. Intel's Leap into the Future: Transforming Their Brand
    9. Around the world with FedEx
    10. Achieve Your Financial Goals with Ease – with JP Morgan

What Are Micro Videos?

Micro videos, by definition, are short, engaging clips designed to capture attention quickly. 

Traditionally, they were perceived as videos lasting 15 seconds or less, a format made popular by platforms like Instagram and YouTube. 

This classic definition emphasizes brevity, ensuring the content is easily consumable.

Over time, the definition has expanded. Some marketers now consider videos up to five minutes long as micro-videos, though this seems excessive given the decline in attention spans. 

ideal video length statistics

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A more practical approach defines micro-videos as ranging from 5 to 30 seconds.

This range strikes a balance, providing enough time to convey a message while keeping the viewer engaged.

They can be found across various platforms, from YouTube pre-roll ads to social media sites. 

The "micro" label refers to the video length, not the platform or file format.

Platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and the once-popular Vine, which featured 6 to 15-second clips, epitomize micro-video content. 

Why Use Micro Videos?

example of micro videos

Source - IdeaRocket

Micro-video marketing's appeal extends far beyond its brevity. 

Here are several compelling reasons to incorporate it into your content marketing strategy:

1. Quick Engagement

In a world where attention spans are shrinking, capturing your audience's interest swiftly is crucial. 

Micro videos are designed to deliver your message quickly, making an instant impact.

They are perfect for platforms where users scroll rapidly, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

A well-crafted micro video can hook viewers within seconds, preventing them from scrolling past your content.

2. Cost-Effective Production

Creating micro videos doesn't require elaborate scripts or expensive software.

With minimal investment, you can produce high-quality content. 

As you become more proficient, the production process becomes even quicker and more efficient.

This affordability makes micro videos accessible for businesses of all sizes.

3. Emotional Connection

Despite their short duration, micro videos can pack a powerful emotional punch.

Whether through humor, shock, or evocative imagery, these videos can create a memorable impact. 

The ability to evoke emotions in such a brief format enhances viewer retention and engagement, making your message more likely to resonate.

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4. Versatility Across Platforms

Micro videos are incredibly versatile, fitting seamlessly into various platforms. 

They are easily digestible and highly shareable, making them ideal for social media campaigns. 

Additionally, they can be repurposed for different advertising efforts, extending their reach and effectiveness.

We get into this in the next section.

5. Diverse Content Opportunities

Micro videos allow you to diversify your content strategy.

They can be used to educate viewers, promote products, or share brand stories. 

This flexibility helps you engage a broader audience and utilize video-centric platforms like YouTube and Vimeo effectively.

6. Enhanced User Experience

Users appreciate content that gets to the point quickly.

Micro videos cater to this preference by providing concise, impactful messages. 

This not only improves user experience but also increases the likelihood of viewers taking the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, subscribing, or sharing the content.

Incorporating micro videos into your marketing strategy can help you connect with your audience more effectively, create a lasting impression, and drive higher engagement and conversions.

Where To Use Micro Videos?

Micro videos have become an essential tool for capturing audience attention across various platforms and settings. 

Here are some prime areas where micro videos can be effectively utilized:

1. Social Media Platforms

Source: Freepik

Social media is the natural habitat for micro videos.

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube shorts, and Snapchat thrive on short, engaging content that users can quickly consume and share. 

Micro videos are perfect for these environments, where viewers often scroll rapidly and have limited attention spans. 

By delivering a concise and compelling message, you can boost engagement and shares, driving greater visibility for your brand.

2. Mobile Learning and Training

Source - Freepik

The rise of mobile learning has transformed the way organizations deliver training and educational content.

Micro videos are ideal for mobile learning as they provide short, targeted bursts of information that are easy to consume on the go. 

They can be used for formal training sessions, performance support, or continuous learning initiatives, making them versatile tools in educational and professional settings.

3. Email Marketing Campaigns

Source - Pixabay

Incorporating micro videos into your email marketing campaigns can significantly enhance open and click-through rates. 

Short, engaging videos embedded in emails can quickly convey your message and prompt viewers to take action. 

Whether you’re showcasing a new product, sharing customer testimonials, or announcing a special offer, micro videos can make your emails more dynamic and effective.

4. Websites and Landing Pages

Source - Pixabay

Micro videos can be strategically placed on your website and landing pages to capture visitor interest and drive conversions. 

Use them to explain key features of your product or service, highlight customer success stories, or provide quick tutorials. 

The visual appeal and brevity of micro videos can help keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore further or complete a desired action.

5. Online Advertisements

Source - Freepik

Micro videos are also highly effective in online advertising. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram offer various ad formats where short videos can shine. 

These ads can be designed to grab attention quickly and convey your core message within a few seconds, making them perfect for capturing the interest of potential customers who may otherwise scroll past longer content.

6. Conferences and Events

Source - Freepik

At conferences and events, micro videos can be used to enhance presentations, provide quick overviews, or introduce speakers. 

They can also be displayed on event websites, social media channels, and email promotions to build anticipation and keep attendees informed and engaged.

7. Customer Support and Tutorials

Source - Freepik

Micro videos are excellent for customer support and educational purposes. 

Create short, step-by-step tutorial videos that help customers understand how to use your product or resolve common issues. 

This not only enhances the customer experience but also reduces the burden on your support team by providing easily accessible solutions.

By leveraging micro videos across these various platforms and contexts, you can maximize their impact and reach. 

Their flexibility, ease of consumption, and ability to convey messages quickly make them an invaluable component of modern digital marketing strategies.

Best Micro Video Examples

1. What is Salesforce? The CRM Connecting Companies & Customers


Salesforce's educational video effectively introduces the world's #1 customer relationship management (CRM) platform through engaging animation. 

The video highlights how Salesforce unifies marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT teams, enabling them to work seamlessly from anywhere. 

By demonstrating the platform's capabilities, the video shows how Salesforce helps businesses keep their customers happy and connected. 

This captivating animated video succinctly explains the benefits of Salesforce, making it clear how it can transform and elevate your business operations.

2. Empowering Women in Tech: Siemens' Inspirational Micro Video


Siemens' video highlights the company's commitment to building a more sustainable world through innovative technology. 

Featuring testimonials from female employees, the video showcases their insights and experiences in addressing some of the greatest challenges of our time. 

Through their voices, Siemens emphasizes the power of purpose-driven technology and the pivotal role their employees play in driving sustainable solutions. 

The video beautifully combines personal stories with the broader mission of Siemens, inspiring viewers to join their journey toward a better future.

3. Streamlining Project Management: Atlassian's Jira Software in Action


The "Jira Software" video by Atlassian offers an engaging product overview of the #1 project management tool used by agile teams.

Through dynamic animation, the video showcases how Jira Software empowers team collaboration, from creating roadmaps to managing workflows.

It highlights the tool's features designed to streamline work processes and enhance productivity. 

By visually demonstrating its capabilities, the video effectively encourages viewers to start a free trial and experience how Jira Software can move their projects forward seamlessly.

4. Apple Pay: The Dance – Seamlessly Paying with a Twist


Apple's mini-story effectively showcases the pay-by-text feature on modern iPhones.

In this brief yet impactful video, two people engage in a text conversation where one offers a payment via text. 

The recipient counters with a request for more money, demonstrating the ease and speed of the feature.

Simple, effective, and quick, the video immediately conveys the product's value.

5. Bring Forth Your Best Work: Grammarly's Writing Assistant in Action


Grammarly's micro-videos engage viewers by promoting its writing assistant platform in a compelling way. 

The video highlights Grammarly's ability to help users perfect their writing, offering quick fixes for mistakes, suggestions for effective expression, and ensuring originality. 

By showcasing real student testimonials, it emphasizes that 89% of users have improved their grades with Grammarly. 

This engaging narrative encourages viewers to take control of their future and craft their success stories with the help of Grammarly's powerful tools.

6. Effortless Business Payments with Razorpay ePOS App


Razorpay's micro video provides an engaging animated overview of its innovative product.

The video showcases the app's features, emphasizing its simplicity and efficiency in handling business payments. 

Through clear and vibrant animations, viewers are guided through the app's functionalities, such as instant payment acceptance, seamless transaction tracking, and a user-friendly interface. 

This animated presentation not only highlights the app's practical benefits but also makes it easy for potential users to understand how Razorpay ePOS can streamline their business operations.

7. Streamline Your Business with Commerce Components by Shopify


Shopify's product component launch video effectively introduces its new modular commerce solution in a dynamic and engaging way. 

The animated video highlights how Commerce Components by Shopify allows businesses to build and integrate their commerce stack with flexibility and ease. 

Viewers are shown how they can select from various modular components, seamlessly integrate them with their existing services, and create personalized commerce experiences that drive conversions. 

The clear and visually appealing animation emphasizes the simplicity and efficiency of customizing and optimizing the commerce journey with Shopify's innovative components.

8. Intel's Leap into the Future: Transforming Their Brand


Intel's "Transforms Its Brand" video marks a significant leap into the future, showcasing the company's essential role in advancing technology that drives global progress.

The video introduces Intel's new brand identity, featuring a modern and contemporary design alongside an inspirational marketing platform, "Do Something Wonderful." 

Through dynamic animation, viewers witness the unveiling of Intel's new corporate logo, which creatively builds upon its iconic designs of the past.

The video effectively communicates Intel's commitment to innovation, positive impact, and the exciting new direction the brand is taking to shape the future.

9. Around the world with FedEx


The video offers an engaging overview of FedEx's global operations.

Through captivating visuals and a heartfelt narrative, the video highlights how FedEx delivers packages with care and precision to destinations worldwide.

Viewers are taken on a journey across various continents, showcasing the dedication and efficiency of FedEx's logistics network. 

The video emphasizes the company's commitment to connecting people and businesses, ensuring that every package, big or small, is delivered safely and on time. 

It's a testament to FedEx's global reach and the trusted service they provide to millions around the world.

10. Achieve Your Financial Goals with Ease – with JP Morgan


This promo video of JP Morgan highlights Wealth Plan as your digital money coach, designed to help you achieve your life goals, both big and small. 

Available for free in the Plan & Track tab of the Chase Mobile app, Wealth Plan offers personalized financial guidance to ensure your goals fall into place.

The video showcases the app's intuitive interface and powerful features, making it easier than ever to manage your wealth and plan for the future. 


In 2024, the relevance of micro-video content in marketing strategies is more pronounced than ever. 

Their ability to concisely convey messages and adapt to various digital platforms makes them a valuable tool in a marketer’s arsenal.

As the digital realm continues to evolve, micro-videos stand as a testament to the power of brevity in an age of information overload.

As you explore the examples and strategies discussed in this blog, consider how micro-videos can complement your current marketing efforts. 

Explore the versatility and creativity that micro-videos offer, and leverage their potential to drive conversions and build stronger connections with your audience. 

In the fast-paced digital world, staying ahead means adopting innovative approaches, and micro-videos are your key to making a lasting impact.

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