B2W Blog

Are Stop-Motion Animation Videos still Trending?

Written by Maneesh Garg | Oct 6, 2016 4:30:46 AM

What is Stop-Motion Animation?

A technique in which animation is captured in one frame at a time, with physical objects moving between frames is stop-motion animation.

When the sequence of images is played back rapidly, it creates an illusion of movement.


Are Stop-Motion Animation Videos still in Trend ?

This has become a repetitive question from our clients all over the world, and my answer has always been "YES".

You must be thinking, being a stop-motion animation company, why would I answer in negative?
Our team was recently invited to present a demo and work samples to a prospect. When I was showing stop-motion samples, he asked me as I quote - "Do people still use this type of animation ?".

I was quite surprised by his question as I was confronted with the same for the very first time. And when I couldn't find a viable answer, Google was my go-to destination for the same.

Let us take a look what Google has to say. Going by the regional interest, here is the data :

Google Trends clearly depict that people have never stopped looking for stop-motion animation. If the interest has not gone up, it has never gone down too.

Now let us look what keyword planner says :

The keyword planner data is quite encouraging and had me satisfied with my answer to the prospect.  It clearly shows a spike in search volume for stop-motion animation worldwide since last one year.

But the question that still remains unanswered is, "Will the trend continue?". In my opinion, it's a 'YES'. But I am no astrologer and only time will answer this question.

So, if you are planning to go for an animated video for marketing, stop-motion animation would definitely be a step in the right direction. Also, if  anyone asks you this question in near future, redirect them to our blog.