15 Best Internal Communications Video Examples To Strenghten Interaction

Feb 7, 2022 3:32:57 AM

Short on time? Watch the best animated internal communications video examples here:


Put yourself in the shoes of an employee that has just joined your company.

You know how to do your job well, but where do you start?

What projects are you needed for immediately?

Who do you contact first?

Where is your team?

Suddenly you are overwhelmed with a barrage of emails listing various protocols and instructions that might not even apply to you.

Wait, are you sure that email was even for you?  

It is no secret that effective communication amongst employees is the key to major success for your company.

From communication and protocols to informing your employees about a new product launched by the brand or rebuilding trust, all of this can be handled with the use of internal communications videos

This will ensure your employees stay up-to-date, improve morale and get an idea on how to improve their work, all with the help of a simple 90-second video.

It thus shows how internal communication videos can take your video marketing to the next level, especially in building a bond with your employees.

Read on to find out how you can use this for your company. 

  1. Types of Internal Communications Videos
    1. Recruitment Videos
    2. Employee Onboarding Videos
    3. Animated Training Videos
    4. Business Communications Video
    5. Whiteboard Animation Videos
    6. Company Culture Videos
    7. FAQ Videos
  2. Best Internal Communications Videos Examples
    1. Stuzo
    2. LMA Recruitment Video
    3. The Caribbean Development Bank
    4. ABSA
    5. Zendesk
    6. Etiquettes for Conference Calls
    7. Cisco
    8. Virgin Mobile
    9. Canity
    10. Bayer Compliance
    11. Superdrug
    12. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
    13. DriveTime
    14. Poppulo
    15. Brosix Instant Messaging
  3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Internal Communications Video Examples

There are different kinds of information that need to be sent out to various groups of people.

Thus, you have several types of videos that handle specific needs.

Here’s a comprehensive list: 

1. Internal Communications Videos for Recruitment

Even though a recruitment video is meant to be shared outside the company, the important factor is that it is meant for potential recruits. 

This is a perfect opportunity for you to showcase what the company values and its objectives so that anyone considering being a new recruit has a comprehensive idea of what to look forward to.

This saves both cost and time that you would have had to invest instead. 

Your videos can effectively point out the benefits of working with your company as well as reaching out to top-level candidates.

In a sea of other companies, you get to stand out. 

Most “this is who we are” branding videos tend to brag about the company’s accomplishments.

Which might impress investors more than the regular everyday people that work there. 

This is where LMA went for a different approach, with a video aimed at potential employees, showcasing how their working environment and benefits outshone those of competing employers. 

This is what a clever, smart script and video can really do for a brand in barely a minute or two!

Times have changed.

What began as a temporary disruption in all our lives has become a new normal that we’re all still getting used to.

It goes without saying that working from home comes with its own unique set of challenges– and with it, recruiting and interviewing for a new job.

Virgin Mobile seized on this with a delightful how-to guide for getting the best possible results out of your job interview when you need to do it from your laptop or phone at home.

And through this friendly, snappily-animated video, they subtly highlight their brand culture and values and cement them in the audience’s minds.

2. Internal Communications Videos for Onboarding

It is crucial to guide the newly-hired candidates through the first few days in your company.

Beyond that, it is always nice for motivation amongst new employees to be given a proper welcome to the company. 

An employee onboarding video deals with exactly that.

It is a tool for orientation, to give employees what to expect, and to introduce them to their team and management.

With the help of a short animated video, you get to achieve everything from informing them about the company, welcoming them, and most importantly, catching them up to speed with the older employees. 

There’s always a lot of information for a new employee to take in.

And it covers issues that many employees don’t have the time to sit down and figure out, or give much thought to– like one’s pension options. 

This is another area where animated explainer videos really shine.

Here we can see how Hesta breaks it down and explains the options available to new hires, succinctly and fairly, without dumping too much information on the viewer. 

3. Animated Training Videos for Internal Communications

As the name suggests, an animated training video is meant to teach or reinforce knowledge that is required by the new employee.

If you want to teach a skill required to complete a specific task, you no longer need to hold a separate face-to-face meeting.

Instead, you can simply produce an animated training video which can be sent over to multiple people at once.

You can inform them about protocol and best practices.

The best part, anyone can readily access this in case they missed out on a part or need a quick refresher.

With a proper training video, you can make learning more engaging, even fun! 

On the other hand, you can make sure they are all on the same page about the product your brand is selling.

Complex concepts and nuances can be shown literally without any risk of misunderstanding. 

Check out how we helped The Caribbean Development Bank make videos for their training and development program. 

4. Internal Videos for Business Communications

When you need to communicate to a large work-force, you inevitably run into the problem of ensuring everyone has been addressed individually.

When it comes to informing the employees about a company-wide update in policy, changes, release of new products, and other activities, it can prove to be a nightmare for anyone organizing an announcement. 

When it comes to changes in policy, you can actively make sure all the parties concerned understand the changes clearly, as well as why there was a change to begin with.

This means you engage and connect to your employees more. 

Often there is a need for one department to communicate with another for a certain project.

Be it a brainstorming session or collaboration, any new topic can be introduced in a matter of minutes with an animated video.

As a CEO, no matter how much you try, it is impossible for you to interact with every single employee.

If you need your message to have a more human touch to it, you can always make a video with the CEO itself starring and voicing it!

Especially after COVID-19, it is a rather heart-warming gesture for the employees to know that the company they work for cares about them too. 

Internal communications videos goes beyond onboarding new employees, of course.

It’s critical to make sure all your employees are aware of what’s acceptable and what’s not in your workplace.

But explaining all this can be quite a hassle. 

A good animated explainer video can take care of this with minimal effort. Slick, professionally produced and cleverly scripted videos, like this one from Bayer, work wonders.

It can get your employees on the same page with rules and requirements on how things should and should not work, so there’s no miscommunication further down the road. 

5. Animated Whiteboard Internal Communications Videos

Usually used for explainer and training videos, whiteboard animation videos are meant to emulate drawing on a whiteboard.

These animated videos are perfect to present fact-heavy topics. 

For information that is text based and needs to be visualized by people, whiteboard animation can make this easier by being a more dynamic way of processing textual information. 

6. Internal Comms Video Examples for Company Culture

These types of videos seek to establish a more human connection with the viewer.

This makes the staff, your employees, the main focus of your video. 

When it comes to forming a connection, your video can be centered around the core principles and values of your company.

A company culture video can work wonders in terms of boosting motivation among employees by reminding them what the company they work for represents. 

Alongside this, it can be a great tool for recruitment processes as well.

A captivating video like this can serve as an introduction to your company. Here’s a great example from Zendesk:

Few formats can showcase your brand’s personality and culture like a well-crafted video can.

Here we see how Zendesk used just the right touch of seriousness blended with humor and a casual, friendly tone to show off their youthful, innovative culture, without getting too silly or serious at the same time.

7. FAQ Videos

No one likes to repeat themselves, let alone answering the same questions several times over for different people. 

If you sense a pattern in the questions asked by different employees, it is vital to create a FAQ video.

This means you no longer have to sit and attend every individual question.

Instead, sending them a single video which can be viewed on any device will ensure the common queries are answered as soon as they arise.  

Check out 5 more types of employee engagement videos here!

Best Internal Communications Video Examples

1. Stuzo

Let’s have a look at this internal communication video by XPLAI made for Stuzo.

An effective communication video focuses on simplicity and clarity and this video checks all those boxes.

In fact, it goes above and beyond to ensure the message is exciting to consume and helps viewers learn more about internal communication.

2. LMA Recruitment Promo

Most “this is who we are” branding videos tend to brag about the company’s accomplishments.

Which might impress investors more than the regular everyday people that work there. 

This is where LMA went for a different approach, with this video made by Me & You Studio aimed at potential employees, showcasing how their working environment and benefits outshone those of competing employers. 

This is what a clever, smart script and video can really do for a brand in barely a minute or two!

3. The Caribbean Development Bank

Next on our list is this animated internal communication video we made for the Caribbean Development Bank.

CDB wanted a better and more engaging way to teach internal communication in their workplace and asked us for help with that.

We made this animated video with the sole purpose of making internal communication training simple to understand, fun to watch, and valuable enough to learn more about.


Let’s have a look at an interesting internal communication video by ABSA made by Creative Dominion.

The stand-out feature of this video is the immersive visuals and animations (which is very rare for a training video and especially for an internal communication video).

This is an amazing example of how animated videos can help you express yourself in more flexible ways without compromising on core messaging.

5. Zendesk

A company culture video can work wonders in terms of boosting motivation among employees by reminding them what the company they work for represents. 

Alongside this, it can be a great tool for recruitment processes as well.

A captivating video like this can serve as an introduction to your company. Here’s a great example from Zendesk.

Few formats can showcase your brand’s personality and culture like a well-crafted video can.

Here we see how Zendesk used just the right touch of seriousness blended with humor and a casual, friendly tone to show off their youthful, innovative culture, without getting too silly or serious at the same time.

6. Etiquette for Conference Calls

This is an interesting one.

Made by the good folks at Vyond, this animated video is part of an entire series of training videos made for employees.

One of the best parts about this video is its focus on one thing and one thing only–etiquette and best practices during conference calls.

When the goal of the video is clear, the end result always reflects that and makes the execution worth it (for the video creator and the viewers).

7. Cisco

We revisit one of our favorite animated videos we made for one of our clients, Cisco.

They were facing the problem of explaining their core values surrounding corporate communication in a concise yet effective way.

When they reached out to us with their problem, we knew exactly how to solve it and the result was this animated video.

The video gives new life to the core messaging and the animations take care of the engagement really well.

8. Virgin Mobile

Times have changed.

What began as a temporary disruption in all our lives has become a new normal that we’re all still getting used to.

It goes without saying that working from home comes with its own unique set of challenges– and with it, recruiting and interviewing for a new job.

Virgin Mobile seized on this with a delightful how-to guide for getting the best possible results out of your job interview when you need to do it from your laptop or phone at home.

And through this friendly, snappily-animated video, they subtly highlight their brand culture and values and cement them in the audience’s minds.

9. Canity

canity internal communication video example

Working in retail can prove to be a real challenge.

No one can truly prepare you for all kinds of people that you might have to deal with on a daily basis. 

To somewhat make the lives of retail workers easier, Canity released an animated training video that gives tips on how to handle difficult or angry customers.

The art style might be simplistic, but the characters effectively portray real-life situations, and the tips given are simple to grasp and remember.

In 90 seconds, they manage to give you behavioral and social cues which actually have a practical application.

10. Bayer Compliance

Internal communications videos go beyond onboarding new employees, of course.

It’s critical to make sure all your employees are aware of what’s acceptable and what’s not in your workplace.

But explaining all this can be quite a hassle. 

A good animated explainer video can take care of this with minimal effort. Slick, professionally produced, and cleverly scripted videos, like this one from Bayer, work wonders.

Made by Mynd, It can get your employees on the same page with rules and requirements on how things should and should not work, so there’s no miscommunication further down the road.

11. Superdrug

Superdrug released a 2D animated video made by Jammy Custard Animation that uses a blend of text and visual information to explain their various company policies.

These policies range from what they expect from their employees, the holidays they are entitled to, and support for accidents, all the way to serious issues like worker misconduct and even crime.

Rather than focus on just one group of employees, Superdrug’s video briefly addresses the responsibilities and judgments the manager must intervene in.

12. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Didn’t expect zombies to star in your work safety video did you?

Well, you have Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas to thank for that!

Using whiteboard animation, Ydraw helped humorize Cosmopolitan’s message to give their new recruits a comprehensive run-down of safety protocols and guidelines.

This ranges from the work environment, and protocols regarding accidents, right up to fires, and terrorist activities. 

What keeps this video fun and engaging is the visual metaphor of what not to be in the workspace, a zombie!

Even with a limited color palette, the well-paced story and humor keep this video engaging and ensure the viewer absorbs every point by showing them the ideal “co-star”. 

13. DriveTime

DriveTime uses a 3D animated video made for them by Epic Productions LLC to ease their new recruits into the work culture and long-term goals of the company.

As the title suggests, it is meant to be an employee onboarding video.  

By using the metaphors of a car on the road and car servicing, it expertly manages to convey what they expect from employees, the company values, and what employees in turn can expect from the company. 

All this is bundled into an easy-to-understand and fun storyline!

14. Poppulo

Have a look at this video by Poppulo.

The interesting thing about the video is the way it eases into the core message and basics of their offering.

Being matter-of-factly in such videos not only helps with understanding but also with engagement and clearly the video was made keeping these things in mind.

The offering is simple to understand and engaging enough to develop curiosity in you and for anyone viewing the video for the first time.

15. Brosix Instant Messaging

We have kept the best for last.

Brosix has knocked it out of the park with this video in many aspects.

The animations greatly complement the core messaging and make it engaging and exciting, all while keeping the message short and simple.

The best part is the emphasis on their solution’s utility rather than the features.

In simple words, they successfully outlined the benefits of their offering in the most effective way possible.


Society will always be dynamic as their needs grow.

This extends to the same people who work for your company.

In a world where they are required to stay at the top of their game, they need all the information they can get readily and as fast as possible.

Animated internal communications videos ensure that you not only deliver your message accurately, but also to everybody.

So that you can grow your business and create happiness around you. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the point of an internal communications animated video? 

A company must operate through various teams, each consisting of several employees.

When it is time to notify them all about a change in company policy, a new product, or just teach them a new skill, it can get rather tricky to make sure everyone’s on the same page.

This is where an animated internal communications videos comes in.

The video contains the main points of the message, and delivers it in a way which can be retained by everyone watching it.

In the era of mobile and laptops, it is impossible to not make sure this video reaches all concerned parties. 

2. Can I use text in my corporate communications video?

Although the point of using an animated video is to summarize everything you could’ve said into a 90-second video, using text can become a necessity.

If you need to list down important information, it can be hard to just show or tell it over a voiceover. 

With that said, it doesn’t mean this process has to be boring.

With the help of animation and dynamic edits and transitions, you can make textual information look appealing with proper direction.

3. How do I know when to use an animated internal comms video? 

Not all messages that you have will be of the same nature.

One day you might need to update everyone on a new product, and the next might have you share a message from the CEO.

For any scenario regarding internal communication, an animated video can prove to be the perfect medium.

Depending on the kind of message you have, you are free to choose the way you want the video made, the style, tone, script, and so on.

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