Video Resume Script: Examples & Templates to Enhance Your Job Application

Jun 6, 2024 8:00:00 AM

In today's competitive job market, standing out is more important than ever.

One of the latest trends reshaping the recruitment process is the use of video resumes—short, engaging videos that serve as a candidate’s elevator pitch.

These short clips are becoming increasingly popular among recruiters who prefer innovative and dynamic applications over traditional CVs.

And at the heart of it all is your video resume script that allows you to present your personality and creativity to give you a competitive edge.

In this blog, we will explore the art of making a video resume script, with examples and templates to make your profile hard to ignore by recruiters. 

  1. What is a Video Resume?
  2. What Should Your Video Resume Include?
    1. Introduction
    2. Experience
    3. Call-to-Action
    4. Do’s and Don’ts for Making a Video Resume
  3. How to Make a Video Resume Script?
    1. Create an Elevator Pitch
    2. Introduce Yourself
    3. Highlight Key Experiences and Achievements
    4. Discuss Your Unique Skills and Qualities
    5. Show Passion for the Industry or Company
    6. End with a Strong Call-to-Action
    7. Additional Tips for Creating a Video Resume Script
  4. Video Resume Tips
    1. Practice, Practice, Practice
    2. Gather Feedback
    3. Keep It Concise
    4. Customize for Each Job
    5. Show Your Personality
    6. Be Mindful of Lighting and Background
    7. Invest in Quality Equipment
    8. Learn Video Editing Tools
    9. Retake and Edit
    10. If Camera Shy, Use Voiceover
    11. Professional and Appropriate Language
  5. Best Video Resume Script Examples
    1. Arthur Coppens: A Simple Video Resume
    2. Mattias Larsson: A Introduction Video Resume
    3. Denver Colorado: A Storytelling Video Resume
    4. Isabel Salas: A Vlog-style Video Resume
    5. Bruce Benik: An Unexpected Video Resume 
    6. Shafira Attasha: An Experiential Video Resume
    7. Mark Leruste: A Conversational Video Resume
    8. Alex: A Scripted Sketch Video Resume
    9. Tshiella D: An Expressive Resume Video
    10. Kris Despodov: A Motion Graphics Video Resume
  6. Video Resume Script Template
    1. Sample Video Resume Script for Job Applications
    2. Sample Video Resume Script for Internships

What is a Video Resume?

A video resume is a short, dynamic video that allows candidates to introduce themselves and highlight their qualifications to recruiters and hiring managers.

Unlike a traditional resume, which is a written document, a video resume provides a visual medium to showcase your communication skills, creativity, and enthusiasm.

It allows you to verbally and visually demonstrate why you are the perfect fit for the position, giving employers a glimpse of your character that they might not get from a paper resume alone.

What Should Your Video Resume Include?

To help you understand the building blocks of a video resume, let's divide it into three sections: the introduction, the experience, and the call to action.

1. Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for your video resume.

Start by introducing yourself and addressing the company you are applying to.

For example, you can say,

"Hello [Company Name], I'm [Your Name]."

This personalized greeting grabs their attention and shows that your video is captured specifically for them.

Next, mention your profession or the role you aspire to.

For instance, if you’re a filmmaker, you might say,

“I’m a visual storyteller with a passion for capturing compelling narratives.”

Here are some elements to include in your introduction:

  • Your name and job title
  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your years of experience
  • Where you’re from or where you’re based


"Hello Broadcast2World, I’m [John Doe], a filmmaker with over five years of experience. I’m passionate about using visual storytelling to share unique and impactful stories."

2. Experience

After the introduction, delve into your professional background.

Highlight your passion for the field and support it with relevant experiences and achievements.

This section is not just about listing your job history but also about sharing stories that demonstrate your skills and dedication.

You can mention significant projects, volunteer work, or personal experiences that have helped you develop relevant skills.

Key points to cover:

  • Professional experience
  • Relevant life experiences
  • Special achievements and awards
  • Education and certifications


"My journey as a filmmaker has taken me around the world, meeting diverse people and sharing their stories through my lens. One of my most rewarding projects was documenting the lives of artisans in rural India, which taught me the importance of cultural preservation through film. I hold a Master's Degree in Filmmaking from Boston University, where I also won an award for Best Documentary."

3. Call-to-Action

End your video with a strong call to action.

This is your chance to prompt the hiring manager to take the next step.

Encourage them to reach out for an interview and provide a way for them to contact you.

Also, briefly mention any additional materials you have, such as an online portfolio or social media profiles.

Tips for a compelling call-to-action:

  • Express eagerness for an interview
  • Provide contact information
  • Mention any additional materials


"I have much more to share than what fits in this short video, and I would love the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences can benefit your team. Please find my contact details and portfolio links below. Thank you for considering my application."

4. Do’s and Don’ts for Making a Video Resume


  1. Maintain Eye Contact: Look directly into the camera to engage the viewer.
  2. Show Your Personality: Let your natural tone and personality shine through.
  3. Dress Appropriately: Wear work-appropriate clothing.
  4. Record in Proper Lighting: Ensure good lighting to avoid dark and patchy footage.
  5. Keep It Simple and Short: Aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes.


  1. Avoid Slang and Jargon: Use professional language to maintain respect.
  2. Minimize Background Noise: Record in a quiet place for clear audio.
  3. Don’t Memorize and Recite: Speak naturally instead of reciting a script.
  4. Don’t Worry About Covering Everything: Focus on summarizing key points and creating a memorable impression. Your traditional resume will cover additional details.
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How to Make a Video Resume Script?

Creating an effective video resume starts with a well-thought-out video script.

A strong script ensures that your video resume is concise, engaging, and professional.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you craft a compelling video resume script.

Step 1: Create an Elevator Pitch

Begin by creating a short and impactful elevator pitch.

This should be under a minute and packed with personality.

Your elevator pitch is your opportunity to capture the viewer's attention quickly.


"Hi, my name is [Name], and I'm passionate about [insert hobbies and passions]. I believe I will be your next [position] because of my unique skills and experiences."

Step 2: Introduce Yourself

Start by introducing yourself, mentioning your name, the role you’re applying for, and why you’re making a video resume.

Adding a personal touch by addressing the company directly can make your introduction more engaging.


"Hello [Company Name], I’m [Your Name]. I’m a [current job title or student] with a passion for [industry/field], and I’m excited to apply for the [position] at your company."

Step 3: Highlight Key Experiences and Achievements

Discuss your professional background by highlighting key experiences and accomplishments relevant to the job.

Focus on specific skills, qualifications, and notable projects that align with the job description.

Mention any awards or recognitions that add value to your profile.


"I hold a degree in [field] from [university], where I gained significant experience working on [projects or roles]. For example, I led a team project that [describe the project and result], which honed my skills in [specific skills]."

Step 4: Discuss Your Unique Skills and Qualities

Explain the unique skills and qualities that make you an ideal candidate.

Mention both technical proficiencies and soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving.

Connect these attributes to the needs of the employer.


"My role as a [previous job title] allowed me to develop strong [skills], which are crucial for [position]. I’m also known for my [soft skills], which make me a great team player and problem solver."

Step 5: Show Passion for the Industry or Company

Express your passion for the industry or company.

Explain why you are excited about the role and how your background makes you a perfect fit.

This connection can help convey your enthusiasm and commitment.


"I’ve always been passionate about [industry], and the opportunity to work with [Company Name] is fascinating because of [specific reason related to company or industry]."

Step 6: End with a Strong Call-to-Action

Conclude your video with a strong call to action.

Invite the employer to contact you for further discussion and provide your contact information.

Mention any additional materials such as an online portfolio or social media profiles.


"Thank you for watching my video resume. I’m excited about the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can benefit your team. Please feel free to contact me at [email/phone]. I look forward to the possibility of an interview."

Additional Tips for Creating a Video Resume Script

  • Maintain Eye Contact: Look directly into the camera to engage the viewer.
  • Show Your Personality: Let your natural tone and personality shine through.
  • Dress Appropriately: Wear work-appropriate clothing.
  • Record in Proper Lighting: Ensure good lighting to avoid dark and patchy footage.
  • Keep It Simple and Short: Aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes.
  • Avoid Slang and Jargon: Use professional language to maintain respect.
  • Minimize Background Noise: Record in a quiet place for clear audio.
  • Use Bullet Points: Instead of memorizing the script, use bullet points to highlight key points and keep the flow natural.

Video Resume Tips

Creating a video resume can be an excellent way to connect with potential employers and stand out among a pool of applicants.

Here are some key tips to help you craft a professional and engaging video resume:

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to appearing comfortable and confident on camera is practice. Rehearse your script multiple times until you feel at ease.

Practice maintaining calm and confident body language, as this will resonate with your goal to look professional.

2. Gather Feedback

Show sample videos to trusted friends or family members to gather feedback on your speech and body language.

This can help you improve your delivery and make necessary adjustments.

3. Keep It Concise

Your video resume should be between 1 to 2 minutes long.

This ensures you deliver your message effectively without losing the viewer's interest.

4. Customize for Each Job

Customize your video resume to match the specific job and company you are applying to.

Personalizing your content shows that you have put effort into understanding the company and its needs.

5. Show Your Personality

Let your personality shine through while staying professional.

This will help employers see you as a well-rounded candidate and a good fit for their team.

6. Be Mindful of Lighting and Background

Good lighting can enhance the quality of your video.

Use natural sunlight or a ring light to create a positive visual atmosphere.

Avoid overhead lights and backlights that can create shadows.

Choose a quiet, neutral background to keep the focus on you.

7. Invest in Quality Equipment

While a smartphone can suffice, investing in a good microphone can significantly improve audio quality, making your voice sound clear and professional.

A high-resolution camera can also enhance the visual quality of your video, making it look more polished and professional.

If you opt for an animated video resume, ensure that the animation is smooth and visually appealing.

Use professional animation software or hire a skilled animator to create high-quality graphics.

This approach can make your animated video resume engaging and memorable, effectively showcasing your creativity and technical skills.

8. Learn Video Editing Tools

Use reliable video editing software to enhance your video.

Edit for clarity, removing any distractions or mistakes.

For animated video resumes, consider various animation styles that align with your personal brand and the job you’re applying for.

Some tools offer video resume templates that can make the process easier and more efficient.

For animated video resumes, pay attention to the smoothness of transitions, consistency in visual design, and the use of colors and graphics that enhance your message.

Utilizing animation software with pre-built assets and templates can help streamline the creation process and ensure your video is both professional and engaging.

9. Retake and Edit

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time.

Retake your video as many times as needed.

Use video editing tools to trim and perfect your video, ensuring it is the right length and free of errors.

10. If Camera Shy, Use Voiceover

If you are not comfortable in front of the camera, consider recording your voice instead.

This allows you to showcase your skills without the pressure of being on screen.

You can also use this opportunity to demonstrate your editing or graphic design skills.

11. Professional and Appropriate Language

Use professional language and avoid slang or jargon.

Adapt your script to fit the position you are applying for, ensuring it is relevant and benefits your application.

By following these tips, you can create a polished and compelling video resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and personality, helping you make a memorable impression on potential employers.

Video Resume Script Examples

Of course, a script alone isn't enough when it comes to creating a standout video resume.

Here are some of the best video resume examples we've found to help you get started:

1. Arthur Coppens: A Simple Video Resume

Arthur’s footage is straightforward, featuring him standing outside and speaking directly to the camera.

However, during the editing process, he enhances the visual appeal by adding several elements, including text and image overlays, additional audio, and cutaways that highlight his previous work.

His video is concise, and engaging, effectively showcases his portfolio, and keeps the viewer’s interest throughout.

2. Mattias Larsson: A Introduction Video Resume

One of the keys to a successful video resume is to show your skills in real-time, just like Mattias, who captures the viewer's curiosity with a compelling hook at the beginning of his video.

As a cinematographer, he focuses on showcasing his cinematic talent through stunning visuals rather than detailing his past work experience.

This approach leaves a memorable and lasting impression of his skills and creativity.

3. Denny Kremblas: A Storytelling Video Resume


If you are a filmmaker, creating an incredible video resume is a perfect way to showcase your skills.

Take inspiration from Denny Kremblas, who turned his video resume into a captivating story of his journey.

He narrates his experiences against the backdrop of stunning visuals, demonstrating the importance of writing a compelling script for your video resume.

This approach not only highlights his technical abilities but also engages viewers on a deeper level.

4. Isabel Salas: A Vlog-style Video Resume

As a versatile professional and YouTuber, Isa has a wealth of experience and footage to draw from when creating her video resume.

If your background and experience are similarly diverse, it can be challenging to know where to start.

However, she does an excellent job of telling her story and informing viewers about her professional experience and qualifications.

Another standout aspect of Isa’s video is how clearly it conveys her personality.

She remains authentic, incorporates humor, and still manages to maintain a sense of professionalism.

5. Bruce Benik: An Unexpected Video Resume 


You might not expect a geologist to have a video resume, but Bruce’s is very effective.

Bruce’s video provides excellent insight into his profession, personal background, and unique approach to his work by incorporating time-lapse videos he’s captured throughout his career.

The content is engaging and informative, offering potential employers a clear understanding of Bruce's skills and what he can bring to their organization.

6. Shafira Attasha: An Experiential Video Resume


Shafira Attasha uses photos and videos in her video resume to highlight her experiences, providing hiring managers with a vivid overview of her journey.

The video is enriched with visual anecdotes from her internships, volunteer work, and job experiences, effectively showcasing her versatile and creative personality.

7. Mark Leruste: A Conversational Video Resume


Mark Leruste's creative video resume went viral in 2012, and it's no surprise why.

The video is engaging and funny, using quick cuts to effectively tell his story.

Most importantly, the conversational tone and captivating visuals make it incredibly interesting to watch.

8. Alex: A Scripted Sketch Video Resume


This creative video resume by Alex is cleverly scripted to feature her interviewing herself.

This unique approach allows hiring managers to experience her quirky personality while also assessing her visual storytelling abilities.

Alex effectively showcases her talents and creativity by answering common first-interview questions and using her editing skills to visually enhance her narrative.

9. Tshiella D: An Expressive Resume Video


Tshiella’s video resume is a bit longer than average, but it excellently captures her unique qualities and personality.

The video provides a clear insight into what motivates Tshiella, what inspires her, and what she is passionate about.

As an aspiring videographer, she effectively showcases some of her creative work and encourages potential employers to connect with her.

10. Kris Despodov: A Motion Graphics Video Resume


Kristiyan Despodov’s video resume highlights her impressive editing skills without her needing to speak.

The music plays a crucial role in guiding the narrative and keeping the viewer engaged throughout the video.

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Video Resume Script Templates

Creating a video resume script is essential to ensure your presentation is clear, engaging, and professional.

Here’s a comprehensive template combining key elements from different successful video resumes.

Note: Avoid sounding scripted.

Use this sample to create your own script, fill in the gaps, and rehearse multiple times to ensure you cover all key points naturally.

1. Video Resume Script Template for Job Applications


"Hi there!

My name is [Name], and I’m excited to take a couple of minutes to tell you why hiring me as a [Position] will benefit your organization. I am passionate about [insert hobbies and passions] and believe my skills and experiences make me a strong candidate for this role."


"I have attained a degree in [Degree] from [Name of School or University], where my coursework provided a strong foundation in [related discipline]. I have completed courses in [associated topics], which have equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary for this position."

Professional Experience:

"In the past [number] years, I have gained hands-on experience through previous positions and internships, such as [insert the previous position]. During my time there, I developed [insert projects], which resulted in [result of project]. I have also worked in [other posts if any], which have helped me hone my skills in [specific skills]."

Unique Skills and Qualities:

"I have proficiency in [technical skills], and I am known for my [specific soft skills], which I believe will be a huge asset to your organization. Additionally, my experience working with diverse teams has made me a strong team player, and I have been praised for my relationship-building skills."

Passion for the Industry and Company:

"I am deeply passionate about [industry], and I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work with [Company Name] because of [specific reason related to company or industry]."


"Once again, my name is [Name], and I am confident that I can be an asset to your team as a [Position]. Thank you for watching my video. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for an interview. I look forward to being a part of your team!"

2. Video Resume Script Template for Internships



My name is [Name], and I am very passionate about [insert hobbies and passions]. It would be an honor to be an intern at [Company Name]."


"I’m currently pursuing a degree in [Degree] at [Name of School or University]. Throughout my time in university, I have launched projects for my organization, which resulted in [a result of a project]. I have also been involved in [insert other extracurriculars if any], which have helped me develop [specific skills]."

Relevant Experiences:

"I have gained practical experience through [internships or relevant training], where I developed skills in [Technical skills]. My professors and extracurricular activities have prepared me to take on hands-on experiences working as an intern at your company."

Unique Qualities:

"I am known for my [specific soft skills], and I thrive in team environments. My experience working with a diversity of people has enhanced my ability to build strong relationships."


"Once again, my name is [Name], and I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your company as an intern. Thank you for watching my video. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for an interview. I look forward to being a part of your team!"

By following this template and incorporating these tips, you can create a professional and compelling video resume that showcases your qualifications and personality, making a memorable impression on potential employers.


By following the strategies and tips outlined in this blog, you can create a compelling video resume that showcases your skills, personality, and passion.

Remember to keep it concise, professional, and tailored to the job you are applying for.

Now that you have all the information and examples needed to create an effective video resume, it’s time to put them into action.

Start crafting your script, practice your delivery, and use quality equipment and editing tools to produce a visually appealing and engaging video resume.

What are you waiting for? Start now and make a lasting impression on your future employers.

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