Customer Testimonial Video Production Services

From customer stories to employee testimonials, build trust and increase engagement with our animated testimonial video services!

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Let’s discuss what we can do for you!

Animated Customer Testimonial Video Production

M&M Financial

The biggest challenge for M&M was establishing a meaningful connection. We helped them solve this problem by making an animated testimonial video. It mirrored customer challenges while positioning them as a caring solution provider.


Animated Testimonial Video Production Services


Our client, Profectus, sought to spotlight challenges within the rebate industry. We assisted Profectus in creating a compelling whiteboard explainer video that effectively communicated the pain points of the industry and demonstrated how they were mitigated. 


Turn Heads and Win Trust with Stunning Animated Testimonial Videos!

Animated Employee Testimonial Video Services


Epicor, a software development company, aimed to boost client retention by sharing customer experiences. Our animated testimonial infographic videos helped them achieve their goals while forging more profound connections.


Animated Client Testimonial Video Production Company

Adam J. ROA Law Offices

Our client recognized the need to emotionally connect to their audience to build trust, which is a big challenge for a law firm. Our animated video testimonial helped them overcome this challenge through the moving story of a customer's journey with them.


Best Client & Employee Testimonial Video Examples


Lights, Camera, Trust! Engage with Animated Testimonial Videos!

Testimonial Video Blogs

employee testimonial video examples

7 Employee Testimonial Video Examples That Boosted Company Image

Explore impactful employee testimonial videos that successfully enhanced company reputations. Discover the power of authentic staff voices in shaping brand image!

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10 Best Customer Testimonial Video Examples That Won Trust!

Dive into 10 standout customer testimonial videos that brilliantly captured trust and loyalty. Witness firsthand how genuine client stories can elevate brand credibility

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video testimonials

7 video testimonials and how to use them right to win trust!

Uncover 7 compelling video testimonials and master the strategies to utilize them effectively. Learn how to harness authentic voices to foster trust and strengthen your brand's image.

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Meet Our Awesome Clients

Industry leaders who believed in the idea of telling great stories to become one!

McAfee Logo
Hub Logo
“I will certainly give a shout out to B2W. I appreciate the work your team is doing with us and how we are able to group our social media followers and credibility because of your work.”
Rhonda J Williams - Hub International

Ronda J. Williams
Senior Marketing Manager, Hub International

“It’s great working with you guys. Your videos are one of my favorite projects at Epicor. It is always a blast working on them.“

Jessica Hodell - Epicor

Jessica Hodell
Senior Marketing Specialist, Epicor

“The guys at Broadcast2world were great. And I am going to definitely work with you again and recommend you to anybody looking for animated video solutions.”
Laura Kenyon - RTS

Laura Kenyon
Communication & Marketing Leader, RTS

"I would highly recommend Broadcast2world. The team was most concerned with customer satisfaction, and making sure that we were happy with every step of the process."
Multie CEO Testimonial

Michael Millican
Founder, The MulTie Corporation

"We are very pleased with the production quality of our video. Team B2W was professional and flexible...a great combination!"
Andy Swartz - Shipment Tracker

Andy Swartz
Owner, Shipment Trackers