
How did a real estate company explain their plantation initiative through brand awareness videos?

About BentallGreenOak

BentallGreenOak is a leading, global real estate investment management advisor and a globally recognized provider of real estate services.


The Challenge

Giving back to the environment is as important as taking from it.

And this is what Bentall Green Oak believed in and reflected through their “Tenure in Trees” tree plantation initiative.

The client wanted to make an animated brand awareness video for that.

Target Audience:
Stakeholders: Potential homeowners, clients, vendors, management

The Solution

Rather than boasting about taking the initiative, BGO wanted to take an emotional approach, explaining how the simple step they’re taking can create an exponential impact.

And how it can help all living beings around the globe.

We helped Bentall Green Oak overcome this challenge with the power of animation, crafting a cartoon branded video.

To meet the client’s video objectives, B2W:

  • Excited the audience with new possibilities enabled by the small initiative

  • Used Cartoon Animation to present the message

Key Takeaways

  • Bright colors engage the viewer and give a welcoming and friendly look and feel

  • Cartoon Animation helps relate better with the audience

  • Exciting the viewer with new possibilities inspires them and motivates them to take action

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