20 Amazing Explainer Video Script Examples And Ideas

Jun 26, 2024 7:42:27 AM

Want the power to deliver your message to your audience precisely and concisely all while keeping them entertained and invested?

Explainer videos might just be what you’re looking for!

As a matter of fact, visual content is consumed 60,000 times faster than textual content. 

It is also possible to get 66% qualified leads yearly with the help of explainer videos.

But an ideal script is a crucial aspect every B2B should use for bringing their ideas to life.

Today, we’re gonna be having a look at 20 amazing explainer video script examples and ideas.

So, let’s begin without any further delay, shall we?

  1. Best Explainer Video Script Examples
    1. The “Problem-Solution” Approach
    2. “Identity-Benefits” Approach
    3. “Show, Don’t Tell” Approach
    4. The “Real-Life Story” Approach
    5. “Quick Cuts, No Voiceover” Method
    6. “First-Person Narration” Approach
    7. “Side-By-Side Comparison” Method
    8. “Showing Customer’s Journey” Approach
    9. “Letting The Product Speak For Itself” Method
    10. “Funky Character” Approach
    11. “Pain Point Resolution” Approach
    12. “Imagine the Possibilities” Approach
    13. “Graphical Transitions, No Voiceover” Approach
    14. “Focus On The Problem” Approach
    15. “Kinetic Typography” Approach
    16. “Live Action” Approach
    17. “Stop-Motion Animation” Technique
    18. “Using An Analogy” Approach
    19. “Animated Infographics” Method
    20. “Live Action Lite” Approach

20 Best Explainer Video Script Examples

1. The “Problem-Solution” Approach

This is a classic one and has often been used by marketers to create product videos, brand videos, etc. 

According to the “Problem-Solution” approach, first of all, you must pose a problem in front of the audience.

Explaining that problem in detail is necessary and also including some facts or stats can increase the credibility of your explainer video.

After explaining how this problem can affect them in their daily lives, providing the viewers with an appropriate solution to this problem comes next which happens to be your product or service. 

Finally, after some further elaboration on the solution the call to action (CTA) must be stated. 

Some important things to note here are that keeping both the problem and solution as realistic as possible is necessary to establish a good rapport between you and your audience. 

Also, the transitions between problem, expansion, solution, and CTA must be smooth and shouldn’t feel out of place. 

2. “Identity-Benefits” Approach

The “Identity–Benefits” approach for explainer videos is a straightforward and effective approach. 

It begins by identifying the customer and what their role might be and then the problems that come with their type of work. 

This helps create an immediate connection with the viewers, as they recognize an issue they face.

Once the problem is established, the video then presents the product or service as the solution, highlighting its benefits and features. 

The key here is to focus on how the product improves the viewer’s situation or eases their pain points.

This format works well because it’s relatable and solution-oriented. 

By first showing an understanding of the audience’s challenges, it builds trust. 

Then, by demonstrating how the product can help, it encourages viewers to consider the offering as the most suitable solution to their needs.

3. “Show, Don’t Tell” Approach

In this approach, you will show the viewers how the users of your product benefited from integrating it into their lives. 

Rather than giving a tedious explanation about every intricate detail of the product, we just casually show the audience what impact it can have on their lives with a life-like scenario. 

This can be achieved with the help of a setting where multiple past users of your product address their problem and how that product helped them overcome it.

Just a casual conversation with the viewers also helps them establish trust and familiarity with the brand.  

4. The “Real-Life Story” Approach

In this approach, we take an example of a real-life story and not just something fabricated for video purposes only.

This is a good approach and is often used by several people in the industry as it builds trust upon the bricks of authenticity as its base that comes from using real-life events. 

Using this type of approach also makes the video content more relatable for the general populace and easier to connect to. 

5. “Quick Cuts, No Voiceover” Method

The “quick cuts, no voiceover” method for explainer videos is an engaging approach that relies on visuals and concise text. 

Instead of a traditional voiceover, this technique uses rapid scene transitions (quick cuts) to convey information. 

Visual analogies play a crucial role. 

Think of a lightbulb turning on when discussing ideas. Upbeat music maintains momentum, guiding viewers through the video. 

Text elements must be concise, impactful, and well-timed. 

This method works well for mobile viewers and eliminates the need for translations. 

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6. “First-Person Narration” Approach

In this approach, the voiceover or a character in the video directly addresses the viewer using pronouns like “I” or “we.” 

Imagine a friendly guide explaining complex topics as if they were talking to you face-to-face. 

By creating a personal connection, first-person narration enhances engagement and simplifies even complex concepts. 

It’s like having a knowledgeable friend walk you through the content!

7. “Side-By-Side Comparison” Method

As the heading implies, in this method we show the viewers a side-by-side comparison between two individuals, one who uses our product and the other who doesn’t.

We evaluate how each of their lives are going on in comparison and consecutively figure out who’s better off. 

Is the one with our product faring better or the one who doesn’t own that product?

In every case, the individual with the product lives a much better life than the one who doesn’t own one. 

We compare the difficulties faced by the user who wasn’t using our product and how using it could’ve made things much easier for him.

In this way, we effectively state the benefits and features of our product with the help of a story that’s both intriguing and informative at the same time.

8. “Showing Customer’s Journey” Approach

Showing a customer’s journey” method of the explainer video is like taking your audience on a guided tour. 

Imagine a relatable hero facing challenges and triumphs. 

In this case, that relatable hero is a customer who’s already used your product beforehand.

From discovering your product to becoming a loyal advocate, you illustrate how your solution fits into their journey. 

9. “Letting The Product Speak For Itself” Method


It is just as you read, quite literally! 

In this approach, your product becomes a character and introduces itself to the audience. 

It gives an introduction to its features and why a viewer should choose that product over the others. 

After we’re done with the detailed explanation of the product, the video must end with a clear and accurate call to action. 

These types of videos can also be produced with the help of an AI program, as it will be much more efficient compared to the traditional methods and will also increase productivity multifold times. 

10. “Funky Character” Approach

The “Funky Character” method of the explainer videos involves introducing an interesting animated character who interacts with your product. 

This character then becomes the guide, demonstrating how your solution works. 

Think of it as having a quirky friend who engagingly showcases your product’s features. 

It’s easy to create and captures attention!

As far as it goes this one is actually a pretty easy method compared to the rest. 

11. “Pain Point Resolution” Approach

This is a method in which you first highlight a problem that your viewer is currently facing in their real life and how it will affect them in the future if appropriate actions aren’t taken.

Now, this is exactly what we meant by a viewer’s pain point!

First, one must introduce the core problem to the viewers, and then perturb them about it. 

Then you must explain the solution which is your product or service.

We need to make sure that the showcased product is the ideal solution to the problem stated in the explainer video.

To increase the trust of our brand among the viewers, we can back up the product with the use of some legitimate evidence.

Finally, the last step involves stating a CTA and telling your audience boldly what you want them to do next. 

12. “Imagine the Possibilities” Approach

Unlike the previous template in this approach, we don’t need to focus on the pain point of our viewer. 

All you need to do is focus entirely on the benefits of your product and convince your audience of how that product can help them improve their daily lives.

To do this, you’ll need to follow a process in which the first step instructs you to describe the life that your viewer might have been living up until now.

Then telling them what has been holding them back all this time from living their lives to the fullest.

After that, you’ll need to explain in detail exactly how your product/service can help them live their lives without any restraints, to help them achieve what they require.

The notion here is that you’ll need to show your viewers what infinite possibilities exist that can be realized with the help of your product.

 Finally, you need to finish your explainer video with a call to action. 

13. “Graphical Transitions, No Voiceover” Approach

“Graphical transitions, no voiceover” approach for explainer videos is an effective way to convey information visually without relying on spoken narration. 

Begin by describing your business in simple, concise sentences that outline your product or service. 

These sentences will act as building blocks for your visuals. Next, plan out your graphics using a storyboard. 

Each sentence should correspond to a visual element, ensuring a seamless transition. 

Unlike traditional explainer videos, this approach doesn’t use spoken narration. Instead, let the visuals tell the story. 

Utilize animations, icons, and text to convey your message effectively. 

By focusing on graphical transitions, you can create an impactful explainer video that captures attention even without a voiceover.

14. “Focus On The Problem” Approach


The “focus on the problem” approach for explainer video scripts is proven to be highly effective. 

To create a compelling script using this approach, start by clearly describing a relatable frustration, pain point, or need that your target audience faces. 

Make it personal and engaging. 

Next, introduce your product or service as the solution to this problem. 

Explain how it effectively addresses the struggle. 

Use straightforward language to break down complex details, avoiding technical terms. 

Highlight the benefits your solution provides. 

Structure your content into manageable sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the problem-solution narrative. 

Instead of merely listing features, show how your solution works through relatable scenarios, using visuals to demonstrate its impact. 

Finally, end with a strong call-to-action, encouraging viewers to take the next step (e.g., visit your website, sign up, or make a purchase). 

Simplicity and clarity are key to keeping viewers engaged and informed.

15. “Kinetic Typography” Approach

“Form and function together create typographic excellence” - R. Roger Remington

Truly, typography must be both aesthetically and practically accurate, and that is exactly what we will strive to achieve in this method.

According to this “Kinetic Typography” approach, one must try to grab the attention of the audience with good-looking typography that accurately conveys his message. 

In this technique, we pair moving texts alongside visuals and various graphic elements. 

It is also comparatively easier and more efficient to produce and much more cost-effective, all you need are good text animation techniques and designing skills.

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16. “Live Action” Approach

The live-action approach for explainer video scripts involves using real-world footage shot on camera. 

These videos typically don’t include animation or added graphics. 

For instance, a “talking head” video features one person speaking directly to the camera. 

To avoid monotony, creators often use multiple angles, demonstrate processes, change locations, or incorporate B-roll footage. 

Live-action explainer videos are ideal for showcasing products or services in action. 

They provide an authentic and relatable experience for viewers, allowing them to see the actual product or software. 

Remember to keep your script simple, use a conversational tone, and include a clear call to action

17. “Stop-Motion Animation” Technique

Stop-motion animation” is quite a labor-intensive process, as in this process filmmakers usually take photos of the object that’s going to be featured in the video from multiple angles, capturing even the minutest of details. 

Each of these photos represents a single frame of the video.

Between each photo, the object must be moved slightly to produce an illusion of motion when all of these photographs are put together and played as a single video. 

After you’re done with this, these photographs must then be converted into a single video including a voiceover, background music, and any other element in the post-production phase of the process. 

Stop-motion animation is a powerful and unique tool that if utilized properly can prove to be a great asset to any marketer’s arsenal!

18. “Using An Analogy” Approach

Using an analogy method in explainer videos involves comparing a complex concept to something familiar. 

Here’s how it works: First, choose a scenario or object that your audience understands well—like explaining cloud computing by comparing it to a shared storage locker. 

Next, break down the complex concept into relatable components, showing how each part corresponds to elements in the analogy.

Use visuals to reinforce the comparison. 

Emphasize similarities between the analogy and the main topic. 

Finally, wrap up by summarizing the analogy and connecting it back to the original concept. 

Analogies simplify complex ideas, making them accessible and memorable for viewers. 

19. “Animated Infographics” Method

With the help of this method, you can convey complex messages with the help of visually appealing narratives. 

These infographic explainer videos ought to be concise and clear.

These types of animated infographic videos are really good if you want to increase viewer retention.

These videos are almost like a mentor who’ll guide you through the whole process, all while explaining everything carefully. 

This method is a perfect fit for you if you want to include as much complex data as possible and also explain it in a manner that anyone can get a grasp of it.

20. “Live Action Lite” Approach


The “Live Action Lite” Method for Explainer Video Scripts combines real-world footage with subtle animations or visual effects. 

In this approach, you start with actual live-action shots—actors, locations, and props captured on camera. 

To enhance the message, you selectively incorporate animations. 

These animations can be simple, such as highlighting specific elements or illustrating concepts. 

The benefits of this method include cost-effectiveness (since full animation can be expensive), clarity (as animated elements clarify complex ideas), and engagement (thanks to the mix of live action and animation). 

When scripting, it’s essential to identify key moments for live action and animation, ensuring a seamless transition. 

Crafting a clear voiceover script ties everything together, resulting in an effective and engaging explainer video.


All right folks, that was it for today’s article! 

Hope you guys enjoyed it, we will talk about more such interesting topics in the future so that you too can increase your productivity and stay up to date with the industry trends. 

It’s about time to bid you guys farewell and wait before going make sure to keep a tab on Broadcast2World for more such amazing articles.

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