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SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos: Benefits, Types, and Best Examples

Written by Marcus Santiago | Jun 18, 2024 11:41:35 AM

In the fast-paced world of Software as a Service (SaaS), first impressions are everything.

Effective customer onboarding can mean the difference between a lifelong customer and a fleeting trial user. 

And one of the most powerful tools in your onboarding arsenal is probably the animated explainer video.

Engaging, informative, and visually appealing, these videos can transform complex information into easily digestible content, ensuring your new users quickly understand and appreciate the value of your product.

In this blog, we’ll explore the world of  SaaS customer onboarding videos and provide a step-by-step guide to creating your own.

  1. What are SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos?
  2. Benefits of SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos
  3. Types of SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos
  4. Where to Use SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos
  5. How to Make a SaaS Customer Onboarding Video
  6. 5 Best SaaS Customer Onboarding Video Examples
    1. Hybr1d
    2. Asana
    3. Notion
    4. ExperienceFellow
    5. Cintas
  7. What Should a Saas Customer Onboarding Video Include?
  8. How Do I Onboard a SaaS Customer?

What are SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos?

SaaS customer onboarding videos are visual tools designed to introduce new users to your offering.

They provide a step-by-step guide on how to use the product, highlighting key features and functionalities.

Animated explainer videos, in particular, are highly effective because they can simplify complex information, making it more accessible and engaging for viewers.

Benefits of SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos

Aside from being easy to digest, holding interest and attention, and boasting superior memory retention, SaaS onboarding videos are especially effective for several reasons, including:

  1. Enhanced Understanding: Videos can break down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand visuals.
  2. Increased Engagement: Animated content is more engaging than text-based guides, keeping users interested.
  3. Consistency: Ensures that all users receive the same high-quality information, reducing the need for repetitive explanations.
  4. Scalability: Videos can be easily shared and accessed by a large number of users simultaneously.
  5. Reduced Support Load: By answering common questions and guiding users through setup, videos can reduce the burden on your support team.

Types of SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos

SaaS onboarding videos can cover a range of important tasks and functions for your customers, such as:

  1. Welcome Videos: Introduce your company and product, setting the tone for the onboarding experience.
  2. Tutorial Videos: Step-by-step guides on how to use specific features or complete tasks.
  3. Feature Highlight Videos: Focus on particular features and how they can benefit the user.
  4. Integration Videos: Show how to integrate your software with other tools and services.
  5. Troubleshooting Videos: Address common issues and provide solutions.

Where to Use SaaS Customer Onboarding Videos?

There are many parts of your customer engagement where videos can play a vital role in streamlining the onboarding process:

  1. Welcome Emails: Embed a welcome video in your initial email to new users.
  2. Dashboard: Feature onboarding videos prominently within your software’s dashboard.
  3. Help Center: Include videos in your knowledge base and help center for easy access.
  4. Social Media: Share onboarding videos on platforms like LinkedIn to reach a wider audience.
  5. Webinars: Use videos in webinars to provide a visual aid during live presentations.

How to Make a SaaS Customer Onboarding Video?

We often say that explainer videos are more art than science.

There’s no one perfect formula for creating perfect videos every time.

But broadly speaking, here are some general steps to consider as guidelines for your video creation process:

  1. Plan Your Content: Outline the key points you want to cover and the flow of the video.
  2. Write a Script: Create a detailed script that includes dialogue, actions, and visual cues.
  3. Storyboard: Visualize the script with a storyboard, mapping out each scene.
  4. Choose Animation Style: Decide on an animation style that fits your brand and message.
  5. Produce the Video: Use animation software or hire a professional animator to bring your storyboard to life.
  6. Add Voiceover and Music: Include a clear voiceover to narrate the video and add background music to enhance engagement.
  7. Review and Edit: Review the video for accuracy, clarity, and engagement, making necessary edits.
  8. Publish and Distribute: Share the video across your chosen platforms and incorporate it into your onboarding process.

5 Best SaaS Customer Onboarding Video Examples

While it’s important to create videos that are perfect for your own unique and specific needs, a great way to get inspiration is to check out how others do their SaaS onboarding videos. 

Here’s a selection of our favorites, and why they work so well:

1. Hybr1d


The Covid pandemic changed everything, especially how we work.

Now, remote work is pretty normal and widespread, even for teams that have to work together and communicate effectively.

Hybr1d embraces this change with their innovative platform.

And their animated explainer video, made together with Vidico, does a fantastic job of taking you through how everything works, while also being friendly and entertaining too.

It really speaks the customer’s language and directly addresses their pain points, rather than merely listing features and tech specs.

Just another example of how good an animated explainer video for SaaS customer onboarding can get!

Not to mention, also giving their SaaS video marketing efforts a chance to stand tall in a competitive space.

2. Asana


They say it’s best to show, not tell.

And this simple but elegant animated video for Asana does this perfectly.

Taking you through the features and screens in a direct first-person POV, making you feel like you’ve already started using their clever solutions.

The length of this video makes it perfect as an onboarding video as well as a SaaS video ad.

Now that's what we call killing two birds with one stone!

3. Notion


Notion is a deceptively simple-looking productivity app that’s more like a Swiss Army knife than a notepad.

And it’s become so wildly popular that it practically has a cult-like following of devout users. 

Of course, one of the problems with an app that can do so many things at once is that it can be tricky explaining all its features quickly.

But thanks to well-crafted software demo videos, viewers can become familiar with the platform in under three minutes.

The narration is friendly and natural, and the script flows smoothly and is easy to follow.

4. ExperienceFellow


Customer feedback is vitally important, regardless of what industry you’re in or what service you provide.

Because there’s no point in working so hard at your business if it’s simply not connecting with your customers the way you want it to. 

Surveys and such help a little, but they’re not perfect.

Many customers see them as just another hassle to deal with, and they often don’t make room for the specific experience and feedback the customer wants to communicate to you, so they might not bother. 

ExperienceFellow is an app that aims to change all that.

What we especially love about their video, made with the good folks at Captain Motion, is its quirky and unique animation.

Setting it apart from the usual dry corporate look and feel most onboarding videos suffer from.

It just goes to prove that a little creativity can go a long way!

5. Cintas


Onboarding videos don’t have to be boring!

With some imagination and creativity, you can not only connect with your customers but make it a delightful experience.

Here’s an animated onboarding video for Cintas, a company that makes uniforms.

It’s just the right mix of quirky and fun, but also explains how it all works clearly and simply.

We absolutely love the animation and superhero metaphors. 

What Should a Saas Customer Onboarding Video Include?

  1. Introduction: A brief welcome and overview of what the video will cover.
  2. Key Features: Highlight the most important features relevant to new users.
  3. Step-by-Step Instructions: Provide clear, concise instructions on how to use the software.
  4. Visual Aids: Use animations, screenshots, and diagrams to illustrate points.
  5. Call to Action: Encourage users to take the next step, whether it’s exploring a feature or contacting support for help.

How Do I Onboard a SaaS Customer?

This process can vary depending on your specific services and the kind of customers you serve.

But broadly, onboarding a SaaS customer usually involves these key steps:

  1. Welcome Communication: Sending a personalized welcome email or message to new users.
  2. Guided Tour: Providing a walkthrough of your platform, either through a live demo or an automated tutorial.
  3. Initial Setup Assistance: Helping users set up their accounts, customize settings, and integrate necessary tools.
  4. Feature Highlights: Showcasing the most important features that users need to know about to get started.
  5. Ongoing Support: Offering continuous support through live chat, email, or a dedicated customer success manager.
  6. Feedback Collection: Gathering valuable feedback to understand user pain points and improve the onboarding process.


Creating effective SaaS customer onboarding videos is essential for ensuring your users can quickly and easily get started with your product.

By using animated explainer videos, you can make the onboarding process engaging, informative, and memorable.

With the right strategy and examples to inspire you, crafting your own onboarding videos can help you enhance user experience, reduce churn, and build long-term customer loyalty.

Embrace the power of video to elevate your onboarding process and set your users up for success from day one!