How to Make Infographics Videos: An Easy 12-Step Guide

May 10, 2024 5:30:00 AM

It only takes a few milliseconds for your brain to process an image.

If you want to make your messages memorable, clear visuals are the way to go.

But the story takes a twist when head-scratching technical information comes into the picture.

How do you make that information stick with your audience while also making it easy to digest?

It’s at this point where knowing how to make infographics videos can make the visualization process feel second nature for your audience.

And in this blog, I give you the blueprint to achieve exactly that. 

Exploring 12 simple yet effective steps towards simplifying complex information using the power of visual storytelling.

  1. How to Make Infographics Videos: Step-by-Step
    1. Step 1: Define Your Infographic Video's Objective
    2. Step 2: Research & Gather Data
    3. Step 3: Write an Infographic Video Script
    4. Step 4: Create a Storyboard for Your Infographic Video
    5. Step 5: Choose a Design Style
    6. Step 6: Select Software and Tools
    7. Step 7: Design Visual Elements for Your Infographic Videos
    8. Step 8: Animate Your Infographics
    9. Step 9: Add Music & Sound Effects
    10. Step 10: Record Voiceover for Your Infographics Video
    11. Step 11: Editing Your Infographics Video
    12. Step 12: Finalize and Review

How to Make Infographics Videos: Step-by-Step

Creating the best infographic videos can significantly enhance your storytelling and help you communicate complex data in a visually appealing way. 

This is one of the most compelling reasons for using infographics videos.

Here's a detailed, step-by-step guide to help you get started with your infographics videos:

Step 1: Define Your Infographic Video's Objective

define objective for your infographics video

Image Credits: Freepik (Source)

Before you start, clearly define what you want to achieve with your infographic video.

This is the stage where you brainstorm the goals that you want to achieve with your video 

Are you: 

  • Explaining a concept?
  • Sharing crucial data and insights?
  • Telling a story? 

Setting a clear goal will guide your content and design choices and help you be more specific with your content.

If you can’t get clarity on your video’s objective right away, try doing a brain dump on a piece of paper or a Google Doc. 

Write down every possible iteration and version of your main objective and the key message you want to convey with your video.

Go through all the variations and pick the one that resonates the most with your video’s vision and end goal.

Step 2: Research & Gather Data

research for your infographics video

Image Credits: Freepik (Source)

Collect accurate and relevant data that supports your video’s objective. 

Ensure your sources are credible to maintain the integrity of your information.

Use reputable sources like academic journals, government publications, and trusted news outlets to gather your data.

Systematically organizing technical information can greatly simplify the order in which your infographics video will visualize it.

It will also create an order for your video script in such a way that all the information gets ample opportunity to be covered properly.

I will talk about this more in the next step.

Step 3: Write an Infographic Video Script

infographics video script

Image Credits: Pinterest (Source)

Create a concise video script that narrates your data and story in a cohesive manner. 

The script should have a clear introduction, middle, and conclusion, and it should be engaging to keep your audience interested.

Read your script aloud to ensure it flows well and sounds natural, adjusting as necessary.

Let others read your script as well and give feedback for improvement or additions.

It’s essential to get the script right before going to the next crucial step.

Step 4: Create a Storyboard for Your Infographic Video

infographic video storyboard

Image Credits: Freepik (Source)

Sketch or use digital tools to create a storyboard that outlines each scene of your video. 

This will help you visualize how your data and script fit together.

Take it as the visualization before the actual visualization

Use simple stick figures and shapes to outline your scenes to get a rough idea as to how each scene will play out.

Step 5: Choose a Design Style

Select a distinctive visual style for your infographic video. 

If you’re going for animation, choose an animation style that best represents your brand and what it stands for.

To get further inspiration, make a list of industry favorite explainer video production companies

Now make a list of their portfolio of work and observe the visual style they have used for their client videos.

Identify which style resonates well with your vision and incorporate them into your infographic video.

Step 6: Select Software and Tools

infographic video software

Image Credits: Dribble (Source)

Now it’s time to choose the tools that will bring everything together.

And it starts by choosing a video editing software for your infographic video.

Tools like Adobe Premiere Pro and Davinci Resolve are great choices.

If you’re going for animation, using tools like Adobe After Effects or specialized animation video maker software can get the job done.

If you don’t know which tool is right for you and your use case, try out the free versions of the most popular tools out there.

The tool you end up using also depends on the visual design you have decided for your videos.

For example, if you’re infographics videos follow a whiteboard animation, then using whiteboard animation software can make the video production process more efficient.

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Step 7: Design Visual Elements for Your Infographic Video

Design or source the graphics and visual elements that will make up your video. 

These should align with your storyboard and script.

Use consistent colors and fonts throughout your video to create a cohesive look.

Once all your assets have been acquired, organize them into properly named folders on your computer to make it easy to use them during the video editing process.

Step 8: Animate Your Infographics

animate infographics

Image Credits: Dribble (Source)

At the end of the day, infographics are just data presented in the form of visuals.

While this increases the retention of hard to grasp information instantly, static visuals can only take retention so far.

To truly make your infographics pop, animate them to tell your story dynamically. 

Generously use keyframe animations, transitions, and effects to make complex data and information more engaging and appealing.

Start with the basics and build a foundation before moving into advanced animation.

This could include the use of simple fades and cuts when moving from one data to another.

Step 9: Add Music & Sound Effects

To further improve the visual appeal of your infographics video, add music and sound effects in to the mix.

Choose royalty free music tracks that enhance your video without overpowering your message. 

Incorporate free sound effects at appropriate places to keep your viewers engaged for longer.

The point is to make the viewers feel immersed as they consume information through your infographic videos. 

Step 10: Record Voiceover for Your Infographics Video

voiceover for infographics video

Image Credits: Freepik (Source)

The final element in your video’s audio department is the voiceover.

Mind you, a voiceover is sometimes optional when it comes to infographics videos as all the information is shown in the video at one glance.

But certain insights require a small breakdown to make it more easy to understand.

This is where a voiceover can make a ton of difference

Record your voiceover using a clear, pleasant voice in a quiet room to get the best audio quality. 

Keep your voiceover in tune with the pace and tone of your video.

Practice your script several times with different voice modulations to get the right tone.

Ever since the advent of AI-generated videos, there are several AI voice generator tools that can essentially do the brunt of your work for you in no time.

Step 11: Editing Your Infographics Video

editing your infographic videos

Image Credits: Freepik (Source)

It’s time to put the pieces of the puzzle together in the video editing process.

Import all the visuals, audio assets, and animated graphics into the video editing software you chose in Step 6.

Scrub through your raw footage from start to finish, adding cuts and eliminating unnecessary footage or visuals wherever necessary.

Make sure the visual design gives your video’s message and crucial information center stage throughout every frame.

Once the final footage is ready, it’s time to hit the home stretch with the final step

Step 12: Finalize and Review

Review your video’s timeline during and after editing, multiple times if need be. 

Make adjustments to the graphics, audio, and animations as needed. 

To refine your video further, get feedback from others and incorporate them into their suggested places.

Once everything is good to go, export the video in the highest resolution, 1080p (Full HD) at minimum.

Watch your video on different devices to ensure it looks and sounds good on various screens and sound systems.

It’s always a good idea to optimize your video for mobile screens as well by utilizing a vertical aspect ratio.

Try taking clips from your video and turning them into short-form videos.

Use them as Instagram Videos and YouTube Shorts to get more views on your infographics video.


An informative video doesn’t just break down information simply.

It makes consuming that information a fun experience, something that keeps learners interested and coming back for more.

And in this regard, infographic videos are one of the best tools you can have in your arsenal.

Implementing these 12 steps can take your infographics video production to a whole new level.

And it starts by believing that your videos can truly contribute to your viewer’s information retention.

Once the belief is strong with you, everything else falls into place.

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