Medical Animation: 11 Best Examples of Enhanced Healthcare Engagement

Jul 19, 2024 9:00:00 AM

A bit short on time? I’ve got you covered!

Check out some of the Best Medical Animation videos in this compilation video here:


Want to see the bigger picture? Read along…

There are many ways to make a name for yourself in the healthcare industry.

Most B2Bs come out with a revolutionary product or service that redefines patient care.

Some build medical services to give healthcare professionals a chance at saving lives.

But such efforts only guarantee results when B2Bs include “trust” into the equation.

“Gaining the trust of healthcare audiences” is easy to say but hard to realize in actual practice.

Which is where medical animation can help B2Bs in healthcare make a difference.

And in this blog, I will take you on a comprehensive journey where we explore this fascinating visual medium from all angles.

  1. What is Medical Animation?
  2. Types of Medical Animation
    1. Medical Animation Using Explainer Videos
    2. Medical Animation Using Product Demonstration Videos
    3. Medical Animation Using Training/Tutorial Videos
    4. Medical Animation Using Internal Communication Videos
    5. Medical Animation Using Testimonial Videos
  3. 5 Major Benefits of Using Medical Animation in B2B Healthcare Marketing
    1. Enhanced Visual Appeal
    2. Consistent Messaging
    3. Customizable Content
    4. Enhanced Emotional Connection
    5. Broader Reach and Accessibility
  4. 11 Best Medical Animation Video Examples
    1. Bupa Health
    2. ThermoFisher
    3. Fibrogen
    4. OrthAlign
    5. Edwards Lifesciences
    6. SpineCal
    7. Nucleus Medical Media
    8. Nature Neuroscience
    9. Harvard Online
    10. Salmonella
    11. Health Monitor Network

What is Medical Animation?

On the surface, medical animation is the use of animation to make medical concepts easy to understand.

But if you want something concrete, Wikipedia defines it as:

“A medical animation is a short educational film, usually based around a physiological or surgical topic, that is rendered using 3D computer graphics.”

While this definition pertains to a more medical use case and on the reliance of 3D animation.

Medical animation can also be used across many more B2B healthcare applications and styles of animation.

From showcasing medical equipment to training medical professionals on ethical patient communication.

This style of healthcare videos pack in more than they show.

Let’s explore the many facets of medical animation in our next section.

Types of Medical Animation

Medical animation wears many faces.

But that is to be expected, considering it’s a highly dynamic visual medium.

So to make sense of the real dynamism of medical animation, 

I have outlined 5 important types most commonly used by B2Bs in the healthcare space.

Starting with…

1. Medical Animation Using Explainer Videos

A survey conducted by Yans Media found explainer videos to be the most effective type of video content by 55% of people.

medical animation explainer video statistics

Explainer videos are the most effective type of video content (Source: Yans Media)

You already know why this is the case. But for the sake of iterating…

Explainer videos use simple and engaging animations to break down complex concepts into easily digestible information. 

And when used in a medical setting, its effectiveness is even more profound.

This type of medical animation often incorporates visual metaphors and straightforward language to make the content accessible to a broad audience.

Its relevance for B2B healthcare brands is also immense to say the least.

As an educational medium, medical animation explainer videos are a great way to make patients and medical professionals aware of your product and services.

Building trust and credibility in the process and making it easier to communicate value propositions as well.

2. Medical Animation Using Product Demonstration Videos

Medical animation isn’t just confined to medical concepts.

They can also play a major role in product demonstrations too.

And when it comes to influencing purchase decisions, personalized product demo videos are among the most preferred, as found in a study by Gartner.

personalized content statistics for medical animation

Personalized product demonstrations are highly preferred in purchase decisions (Source: Gartner)

Though these findings mostly pertain to B2B SaaS marketing and purchase patterns of software users.

We can safely extrapolate these findings to medical animation as well.

Mostly because the mechanism that makes product demonstrations effective remains the same.

Regardless of where you use it.

Coming back to our discussion, medical animation product videos bring medical products to life using the power of visual storytelling.

They highlight features, benefits, and proper usage of the products from a user’s perspective.

For healthcare brands, product demonstration videos are vital for convincing potential buyers of the efficacy and safety of their medical products. 

Aiding in the decision-making process of medical professionals and procurement teams.

Not to mention, establishing yourself as a credible authority that other healthcare consumers can rely on.

3. Medical Animation Using Training/Tutorial Videos

Our latest video marketing survey found 96% of people finding educational videos useful in increasing retention and understanding.

video marketing statistics for medical animation

Videos are a great tool for boosting retention and understanding (Source: B2W’s Video Marketing Survey 2024)

And when you shift your focus to medical animation, this finding holds even more significance.

But in this scenario, educational videos become training videos or tutorial videos.

Such videos are an amazing medium to: 

  • Instruct medical staff on procedures
  • Demonstrate the correct usage of medical equipment
  • Explain the application of new medical techniques in real time. 

These videos provide step-by-step guidance to ensure thorough understanding and proper implementation.

B2B healthcare brands that use medical animation in their training content build a more coherent dialogue with their audience.

It can either be a discourse on a self-medication procedure for patients.

Or it can be a visual guide for medical professionals on how to use their medical products and services.

Either way, such videos:

  • Provide clear and detailed medical instructions
  • Reduce the risk of misuse and patient malpractice
  • Improve retention among healthcare professionals

You get the point.

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4. Medical Animation Using Internal Communication Videos

In a survey on the importance of effective communication in healthcare, Sermo found something interesting.

They saw 57% of medical professionals finding delays in receiving information the most frustrating part about healthcare communication.

challenges in healthcare communication

Information delay is a big hurdle in healthcare communication (Source: Sermo)

As a B2B brand in healthcare, it’s easy to look at this from a corporate perspective.

But I want you to look at these numbers from the eyes of a medical professional.

Delays and miscommunications can lead to a grave medical mistake that may not be overturned.

Ultimately putting patient care at risk.

And no medical professional would want to find themselves in such a situation.

Which makes healthcare communication one of the most important aspects of medical care.

Medical animation in the form of internal communication videos can help you out here.

They communicate important information swiftly within a healthcare organization, be it among patients or employees within the B2B healthcare brand. 

These can include updates on new protocols, overview on company policies, or announcements of organizational changes.

For B2B healthcare brands, this ensures that all medical personnel are aligned with the company's goals, procedures, and values. 

Leading to improved efficiency and a stronger organizational culture.

5. Medical Animation Using Testimonial Videos

The latest numbers from WiserNotify shows 92.4% of B2B buyers more likely to purchase after reading a trusted review online.

the role of testimonials in b2b purchase decisions

Online reviews are a major denominator in influencing B2B purchase decisions (Source: WiserNotify)

Which goes on to show the importance of testimonials really well.

And the same goes for testimonial videos when used with medical animation.

Such videos feature real time experiences of patients and medical professionals with your products or services. 

Recreating scenarios to emphasize the positive outcomes and benefits reported by users.

Which makes them a powerful tool for building social proof that makes healthcare audiences keep coming back to your B2B healthcare brand. 

5 Major Benefits of Using Medical Animation in B2B Healthcare Marketing

You might still be thinking:

Is medical animation worth the investment?

So let’s sweeten the deal for your B2B healthcare brand.

And look at some of the major reasons why you should consider adopting medical animation in your videos.

Beginning our exploration with…

1. Enhanced Visual Appeal

Visual marketing statistics from Gitnux found 95% of B2B buyers preferring short, visual content in their sales funnel.

the importance of visual content in b2b healthcare marketing

Visual content is very important for B2B purchase decisions (Source: Gitnux)

But if I had to sum this trend up in a single sentence, it would be:

What consumers see, they believe.

Which makes visual appeal a powerful denominator in building a memorable brand perception and awareness.

Medical animations are visually striking and can creatively illustrate abstract or microscopic processes that are difficult to capture with traditional video or static images.

Enhanced visual appeal can make B2B marketing materials more attractive and compelling. 

Drawing in potential healthcare clients and retaining their interest. 

2. Consistent Messaging

Imagine if one medical professional was stating an important fact.

Only for it to change across the board as you meet more people working in your field, or as you make the switch from PA to MD bridge programs.

In such a situation, “chaos” would be quite the understatement.

Which is why consistent messaging is very crucial.

Not only from a branding perspective but also from a revenue perspective as pointed out by latest numbers from Influencer Marketing Hub.

It showed having a consistent brand story increased future purchases by 55%, among many more benefits.

the impact of brand stories in b2b healthcare marketing

The importance of consistent messaging (Source: Influencer Marketing Hub)

Medical animation ensures that your message remains consistent every time it is viewed.

Using it, healthcare B2B brands can ensure their complex information is delivered uniformly, reducing the risk of miscommunication.

3. Customizable Content

An extensive survey on content personalization by Startup Bonsai found several benefits of personalization.

personaluzation in b2b healthcare marketing

The benefits of content personalization (Source: Startup Bonsai)

Starting from boosting customer testimonials and referral marketing ROI to boosting lead generation efforts.

But customizable content takes the appeal of personalization to the next level.

With such content, the viewer can not only see its relevance but also adjust it to their preference.

And such flexibility is easily possible with medical animation.

Healthcare videos can be customized and updated to reflect new data, changes in medical protocols, or specific audience needs anytime the need arises.

Medical animation can also be used in innovative ways through mediums like interactive videos to further personalize viewing experience.

This can help B2Bs keep their medical content relevant and up-to-date, tailoring their messages to different stakeholders, whether they are addressing medical professionals, patients, or internal teams.

4. Enhanced Emotional Connection

I say this often and I’ll say this again.

Your videos need to feel like a conversation, not a sales pitch.

In a B2B healthcare setting, this is a crucial distinction. 

In other words, you need to build an emotional rapport with your audience.

And this is backed by recent numbers from Fit Small Business.

Showing the importance of emotional selling across several channels of marketing.

the effects of emotional selling in b2b healthcare marketing

The importance of emotional selling across several marketing channels (Source: Fit Small Business)

Sure, you need to drive sales in order to increase revenue and take your business forward.

But it’s not the only thing that will guarantee success in healthcare marketing.

You need to show your audience that your business is a friend in need.

And that comes from building an emotional connection that stays with them far longer than any sales pitch would ever do.

Medical animation provides you an avenue to do just that. 

It humanizes your brand and your medical content by incorporating relatable characters and scenarios, making it easier for viewers to feel in-touch with your message.

5. Broader Reach and Accessibility

Did you know that the total number of video viewers worldwide was 3.48 billion as of 2023?

global video viewers statistics

Total number of video viewers worldwide (Source: Meetanshi)

For perspective, that’s almost 43% of the world’s population that watches online videos.

Which shows the expanded reach of video content and how easy it is to consume and share as and when required.

Making it accessible to a wider audience.

In the healthcare field, medical animation videos can be shared and consumed regardless of varying levels of medical knowledge.

This gives B2B healthcare brands a solid chance to expand their reach, engage more stakeholders and vendors, and ensure that their messages are understood by all relevant parties. 

Including international markets where language barriers might exist and a need for video localization is ever present.

11 Best Medical Animation Video Examples

It isn’t enough to just know the types of medical animation at your disposal.

You also need to see it in action.

So when you produce your medical animation video, you know exactly what you’re doing.

I’ll take you through 11 amazing examples of medical animation to drive my point home.

Let’s start our exploration with…

1. Bupa Health


Here's a fun little medical trivia to get the ball rolling.

According to the American College of Rheumatology,

Around 790,000 knee replacement surgeries are performed in the US every year.

Making it one of the most common surgical procedures in the medical field.

But just because a procedure is common doesn't mean its knowledge is well known either.

Which makes this medical animation from Bupa Health all the more valuable.

It takes viewers on a layman's journey of knee replacement surgery.

Covering how it is carried out and the conditions required for a successful surgery.

But the stand out feature is how it doesn't talk down to the viewer, regardless of their medical knowledge.

It levels the playing field for curious viewers, patients of knee replacement, and rheumatology professionals alike.

2. ThermoFisher


Thermofisher wanted to educate forensic laboratories in emerging markets.

These labs usually have small throughput, and they either have no automation or have several smaller throughput instruments.

We used a mix of 2D and 3D medical product animations to explain how Thermofisher’s device automates most of the extraction process.

The system is a walkway, meaning the device handler can set it up and be free to work on other tasks.

The primary use case was at conferences where it is impossible to display the instrument itself physically.

They wanted viewers to understand the instrument and visualize how it works.

They also wanted to use this medical device animation in an email marketing campaign to drive targeted customers to increase viewership and request a product demo to learn more about it.

3. Fibrogen


Fibrogen develops transformative medical therapies based on innovative science.

They wanted to explain the science of how Roxadustat is a completely new and physiological approach to treating chronic kidney disease (CKD).

They wanted their medical animation video to speak to nephrologists and nephrology healthcare professionals who treat patients with chronic kidney disease with or without dialysis.

They wanted these professionals to understand and be comfortable with the science behind Roxadustat, how it works, and its Mechanism of Action.

On the other hand, those looking into launching new corporations or business ventures in the healthcare sector, understanding the intricacies of such innovative treatments done by Fibrogen and their market potential is crucial. 

So we used the power of storytelling and whiteboard medical animations to educate the audience, keeping the scientific details intact but simplified and making the subject interesting.

4. OrthAlign


OrthAlign is a medical device technology company that develops computer-assisted devices for implant placement for hip and knee replacement surgeries.

They wanted to target orthopedic surgeons and bring them up to speed on modern methods of hip and knee replacement surgeries.

We used infographics for their medical animation video to help OrthAlign here.

It showcases how their product is an accurate, efficient, and cost-effective solution for joint replacement surgeries to orthopedic medical professionals.

And it's done so in a format that's ideal for the hospital or ambulatory surgery center environment.

They wanted to host the YouTube video on their landing page, and promote it through online advertising campaigns with a compelling video CTA (contact OrthAlign for more information).

5. Edwards Lifesciences


Edwards Lifesciences is an American medical device technology company headquartered in Irvine, California. 

It specializes in artificial heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring.

We developed a series of medical animation explainer videos for Edwards to empower them with internal sales training and customer product demos.

We used infographic animations for sales videos and 3D healthcare animations with characters and mixed media styles for their product videos.

6. SpineCal


Disc herniation is more common than you might think.

A study from Physiopedia found that a herniated disc affects 5 to 20 adults per 1000 adults every year.

But before we attack the problem, it’s essential to understand it first.

This was SpineCal Orthopedic Institute’s goal when they reached out to us for an explainer video on disc herniation.

Along with showing how to treat this condition, they wanted to paint a complete picture of what the condition is and what causes it.

And we helped SpineCal do this with the help of 3D animation in this video.

Using detailed 3D models, SpineCal takes viewers on a walkthrough of the surgical procedure to treat a herniated disc.

It covers all the technical steps in a way that feels like listening to a story. 

Ensuring the viewer is invested from the very beginning.

7. Nucleus Medical Media


1981 was the year when the first domestic case of AIDS was detected in the United States.

Soon, the AIDS epidemic followed, leading to massive awareness campaigns in the 1990s.

Back then, printed media and commercial ads were among the few awareness tools at your disposal.

But things have changed now and we have medical animation to do the job for us.

As an example, here’s a 3D medical animation video from Nucleus Medical Media which picks apart the effects of HIV and AIDS on the human body.

It starts off by showing the state of white blood cells in a healthy immune system.

Subsequently pointing our attention to how HIV affects the immune system on a granular level, making the body susceptible to acquiring AIDS later on.

The video concludes with a discussion on certain antiretroviral medications that are commonly used to treat HIV and AIDS.

8. Nature Neuroscience


Among the many neurological disorders we know of today, perhaps Parkinson’s Disease is one of the most common.

The Parkinson’s Foundation estimates that there are more than 10M people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease all around the world.

Which makes you wonder: What causes this devastating neurological disorder in the first place?

Nature Neuroscience gets into the details in this mixed-media medical animation video that explains the progression of Parkinson’s from a neurological perspective.

It features a mix of live-action footage and animation to give a real-world perspective of the disease and how it affects bodily functions.

9. Harvard Online


Since we’re on the subject of neuroscience, here’s an interesting medical trivia to get your neurons firing.

The term “synapse” was first coined by an English neurophysiologist named Charles Sherrington in 1897.

Back then, the field of neuroscience was in its infancy, and in many cases, a foreign concept altogether.

While neuroscience has made strides ever since, learning about concepts like “synapses” and “neurons” still requires an extra effort.

But animation has eased this effort tremendously and Harvard Online shows you how in this stop-motion medical animation video.

It starts at the grassroots by defining a synapse and showing its function using detailed animation. 

The animation (closely resembling claymation) uses a clever blend of contrasting colors and humorous character design

Which makes understanding the workings of the synapse a bit easy on the eyes.

Not to mention, a bit easy on the brain too.

10. Salmonella


Did you know that Salmonella affects 1.4 million people in the United States every year?

I didn’t know this either– till I came across this infographics explainer video from Kasra Designs.

The medical animation video tells us everything we need to know about Salmonella from the ground up.

It starts by highlighting the common food items that carry the Salmonella virus.

Followed by giving a time horizon within which initial symptoms start showing, with a comprehensive discussion of what the symptoms look like and how to prevent them.

A topic like Salmonella which has a lot of moving parts in it now seems easy to understand, thanks to this healthcare explainer video.

11. Health Monitor Network


They say: Prevention is better than cure.

But prevention often requires awareness.

And when it comes to medical conditions, the importance of awareness can't be stressed enough.

So when Health Monitor Network (HMN) reached out to us for a video, they weren't looking to just make another healthcare explainer video on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

They wanted to tell the story of COPD from a patient’s perspective. 

Adding medical animation to shed light on preventive steps by discussing its defining symptoms and its progression in a human body.

And the use of character animation helped them talk to COPD patients and interested medical professionals without scaring them.

Conclusion: The Future of Medical Animation

Medical animation is an investment into the future.

It not only helps brands leverage animation to build trust in the healthcare space.

It also articulates the pain points of healthcare audiences in a way they feel understood.

But to put numbers to perspective:

  • The global market size for the medical animation industry already surpassed $359 million and is projected to reach $2 billion by 2033 (Source: Precedence Research)
  • The global demand for medical animation is increasing rapidly at a CAGR of 20% (Source: Fact MR)
  • The medical animation industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world, comprising one facet of the non-entertainment computer animation industry with annual revenues as high as $15 billion (Source: Wikipedia)

The question now comes to the B2B players in healthcare.

Are you keeping up with the growing adoption of medical animation?

If so, it’s wise to keep it up.

And if not, this blog is your stepping stone to becoming an authority in the healthcare industry.

With medical animation becoming the vehicle that takes you far.

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